Bodhi Trænings Instruktør

Bodhi Training

Bodhi Training is an educational program in which you are guided through all levels of insight from the teachings of the Buddha in English. This happens with the help of methods that support you in uncovering and realizing reality as it is. The aim of this program is to further develop your ability to meet all life situations with more compassion and deeper insight.

Bodhi Training is an experiment in integrating traditional wisdom with a contemporary educational format in a way that does not promote competition and profit, but rather evolves around spirit and the co-development of compassionate communities – because genuine care makes us more intelligent and insightful.

On the inner level, we train in integrating buddhist tools in our daily practice to deal constructively with thoughts and emotions. We work with being present, with identity, and with how we can liberate consciousness from its own mind games. By combining love with a liberated mind, we can learn to journey through life with ease and respond to problems in novel and creative ways.

We meet once a month and become familiar with how we can apply the key instructions of the Buddhas within meditation, psychology and philosophy in a practical and comprehensible way. The purpose of this training is to help you understand and experience the living dharma in your own mind, so you can weave it into the fabric of your life and express and manifest its timeless value in the world.


We all wish to do something truly good and to understand what is most important in life. We welcome you to a transformative program that has these matters at the heart of the training.

Bodhi means the cleared up mind. This means being clear in a way where natural empathy, intelligence and strength shines forth freely and can be made available to everyone – just like a bloomed lotus flower.

As a participant in Bodhi Training you learn to integrate peace of mind, kindness and insight in your daily life. In this way, you can use your personal experience as a starting point in becoming a better guide for yourself and an inspiration to others on how to use simple, yet profound, contemplative techniques in constructive and beneficial ways.

“As a teacher I will contribute by drawing from two sources: that which I have heard from my teachers, and that which I have personally understood. This is in accord with the authentic way of teaching the Dharma, which always includes these two parts.

Bodhi Training is a forum in which profound teachings about the mind are presented. At the same time it is a laboratory of consciousness, where we engage in our own research by exploring, testing and verifying. It is our individually experienced insights that liberate us.”

Welcome to a formative and inspiring teaching program with Erik Pema Kunsang.